
A simple log utility for node which uses process stdout write instead of console.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import codebiteLogger from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@codebite/logger';



A small and fast node.js library to create a log that doesn't hurt the eyes!

Main Features
  • The usual levels: trace, debug, info, warn & error
  • Syntax coloring (simple and intuitive)
  • Log call site details: filename, line number and column
  • Can be used as function calls or tagged templates


npm i @codebite/logger


One can log using function calls

const log = require("@codebite/logger");

log("Hello world!")

or tagged templates

log`Hello world!`

In both cases instead of a generic log one can use a specific level

const {trace, debug, info, warn, error, setLevel} = require("@codebite/logger");

setLevel("trace"); // otherwise defaults to "info"

trace`Hello world!`
debug`Hello world!`
info`Hello world!`
warn`Hello world!`
error`Hello world!`

produces the following output (indicatively):

colored log output


The following example enables the details and uses method calls as an alternative to function calls

  1 |  const log = require("@codebite/logger");
  2 |  
  3 |  log.level = "trace";
  4 |  
  5 |  log.details = true;
  6 |  
  7 |  log.trace("Hello world!");
  8 |  log.debug("Hello world!");
  9 |  log.info("Hello world!");
 10 |  log.warn("Hello world!");
 11 |  log.error("Hello world!");

producing an output similar to this:

colored log output


console.log x 1,494 ops/sec ±0.91% (81 runs sampled)
simple x 1,426 ops/sec ±1.01% (88 runs sampled)
tagged templates x 1,487 ops/sec ±1.22% (86 runs sampled)
detailed x 1,362 ops/sec ±0.83% (84 runs sampled)
detailed tagged templates x 1,420 ops/sec ±0.85% (86 runs sampled)

Oddly, it seems that tagged templates are faster ...but not by much.

The log library is practically as fast as console.log and the impact of enabling the details negligible in comparison to the cost of the write operations
