
This is a FBX to glTF file format converter that works in Node.js environment.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cocosFbx2gltfNode from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cocos/fbx2gltf-node';


FBX to glTF File Format Converter(Node.js)

This is a FBX to glTF file format converter that works in Node.js environment.


This tool is essentially used as a part of the Cocos Creator. In former, Cocos Creator supports FBX file format through the excellent FBX2glTF.

But Cocos team has to find another approach because:

  • FBX2glTF store the glTF result files onto disk and Creator read the files. This is the only way that Creator can communicate with FBX2glTF. File system I/O is slow.
  • Author of FBX2glTF is tired.
  • FBX is complex and all exporters working for it are buggy. We usually need to fix strange issues. However FBX2glTF is written in C++. It really bothers since once we need to fix BUGs. we need to build executable for different platforms.
  • Cocos expects to export more useful information which is FBX domain specific.


This project heavily depends on FBX SDK Node.js bindings. May you should pay attention to that.

Because the fbxsdk-node is platform-specific, this project allow you to customize how the fbxsdk-node can be found by this project.

There are several ways:

  1. For local development. Run './LinkFbxSdk.ps1' to link the fbxsdk-node built to ./fbxsdk-node.

  2. Invoke the Node.js module ./get-fbxsdk.js's set(sdk) to manually set the fbxsdk-node. You should do this before you can import fbx2gltf-node module.

  3. Set the fbxsdk-node module's path into environment variable FBXSDK_NODE_MODULE. You should do this before you can import fbx2gltf-node module.

Local development

  1. Grab the FBX SDK Node.js bindings and build.
  2. Run './LinkFbxSdk.ps1' to link the above built to ./fbxsdk-node
  3. Just run.


Again, the FBX is complex and specification-less. In development, we often reference from or are inspired from the following predecessors: