EOS HDWallet
JavaScript HDWallet for EOS blockchain, something like
yarn add @cobo/eos
import eos from '@cobo/eos';
const wallet = eos.fromMasterSeed('...');
const pubkey = wallet.getPublicKey(); // EOS4w7FYzzeYJ7oz6XD5exo9ARpQdGoBZhPPjv5ywyrF5PioHtthX
You will create a EOS HDNode instance and use the methods of the instance:
Static Methods:
- Create HD instance from a master seedfromExtendedKey
- Create HD instance from a base58 stringfromMnemonic
- Create HD instance from a mnemonicfromPrivateKey
- Create HD instance from a EOS private key, or WIF (Cannot derive or get xpriv, xpub in this way)generateMnemonic
- Generate new mnemonic, or you can usebip39
Instance Methods:
- Return a derived HD node instance use a path ("m/44'/196'/0'/0/0"
- Return a derived HD node instancegetPrivateExtendedKey
- Return the private extend key (base58)getPublicExtendedKey
- Return the public extend key (base58)getPublicKey
- Return the EOS public keygetPrivateKey
- Return the private key of the current node / address (or WIF)(async) generateTransaction
- Generate a EOS raw transaction, param example:
const wallet = eos.fromMasterSeed('...');
const rawTx = await wallet.generateTransaction({
from: 'from',
to: 'to',
amount: 100000, // will convert to '10.0000 EOS'
memo: 'hello world',
refBlockNum: 1, // get from eos.getInfo()
refBlockPrefix: 452435776, // get from eos.getBlock(last_irrvertable_block)
expiration: 60, // default is 60s
symbol: 'EOS' // default is EOS
(async) delegate
- Generate a EOS raw tx for delegate bandwitdth
const wallet = eos.fromMasterSeed('...');
const rawTx = await wallet.delegate({
from: 'from',
to: 'to',
cpuAmount: 100000, // will convert to '10.0000 EOS'
netAmount: 100000,
symbol: 'EOS', // default is EOS
refBlockNum: 1,
refBlockPrefix: 452435776
(async) undelegate
- Same as delegate(async) vote
- Generate a EOS raw tx for vote producers
const wallet = eos.fromMasterSeed('...');
const rawTx = await{
from: 'from',
producers: ['lioninjungle'],
refBlockNum: 1,
refBlockPrefix: 452435776
More Examples
See test/test.js