
Helper functions to build CLI tools

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cnamtsCliHelpers from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cnamts/cli-helpers';


CLI Helpers

Helper functions to build CLI tools.


This package is built with TypeScript and is meant to be used in TypeScript projects, but a JavaScript version is built so you can use it in node.js environment.

To install it, you need to use yarn or npm:

yarn add @cnamts/cli-helpers
# OR
npm install @cnamts/cli-helpers


You can import the different helpers from the main file:

import { log, done, getPath } from '@cnamts/cli-helpers';

Or you can import them using their files, like so:

import { log, done } from '@cnamts/cli-helpers/src/logger';
import { getPath } from '@cnamts/cli-helpers/src/getPath';



Get an object with standardized colors.

import { colors } from '@cnamts/cli-helpers';

console.log(colors.primary); // Use 'primary' color


Get path relative to current working directory.

import { getPath } from '@cnamts/cli-helpers';

const myPath = getPath('./file'); // Equivalent to path.join(process.cwd(), './file)


Trace a straight line across the terminal using box-drawing character , by default it uses the primary color from colors, but you can change it.

import { traceLine } from '@cnamts/cli-helpers';

traceLine(); // Example: ───────────────────────

traceLine('#eee') // With custom color


Log informations to the user such as errors, warnings, events and others.

import { log, cmd, info, done, warn, error, verbose, event } from '@cnamts/cli-helpers';

log('Default log');
cmd('yarn lint');
info('Info log');
done('Success log');
warn('Warning log');
error('Error log');
verbose('Verbose log');
event('Event log');

Result of different log methods in terminal


Display header with Georgia11 font and optionally author and/or version.

import { renderHeader } from '@cnamts/cli-helpers';

renderHeader('Package', 'Someone', '1.0.0');

Result of renderHeader function in terminal


Feel free to open an issue or a pull request to improve this package! Just make sure to respect the code style by running yarn lint and to update the tests and check the coverage with yarn test.