
Node libraries browser polyfills/mocks

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import clutchCreatorNodeLibs from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@clutch-creator/node-libs';


Clutch Node Libraries

Node libraries polyfills and mocks to be used in a browser environment.

Current polyfills and mocks

lib name polyfill implementation mock implementation
assert defunctzombie/commonjs-assert ---
buffer feross/buffer buffer.js
child_process --- ---
cluster --- ---
console Raynos/console-browserify console.js
constants juliangruber/constants-browserify ---
crypto crypto-browserify/crypto-browserify ---
dgram --- ---
dns --- dns.js
domain bevry/domain-browser ---
events Gozala/events ---
fs --- ---
http jhiesey/stream-http ---
https substack/https-browserify ---
module --- ---
net --- net.js
os CoderPuppy/os-browserify ---
path substack/path-browserify ---
process shtylman/node-process process.js
punycode bestiejs/punycode.js ---
querystring mike-spainhower/querystring ---
readline --- ---
repl --- ---
stream substack/stream-browserify ---
string_decoder rvagg/string_decoder ---
sys defunctzombie/node-util ---
timers jryans/timers-browserify ---
tls --- tls.js
tty substack/tty-browserify tty.js
url defunctzombie/node-url ---
util defunctzombie/node-util ---
vm substack/vm-browserify ---
zlib devongovett/browserify-zlib ---