
FaaS agnostic restful microframework

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudifyjsRestful from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cloudifyjs/restful';



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The @cloudifyjs/restful is a microframework that aims to make the development of RESTful Web Services on top of FaaS free from cloud providers implementations. Develop first and choose the cloud provider later!


Install with npm:

npm install @cloudifyjs/restful --save

Install with yarn:

yarn add @cloudifyjs/restful


  • Provides cloud agnostic wrappers for RESTful Web Services.
    • Built-in request handlers (aws and google).
  • Minimal configuration.
  • Supports HATEOAS principle.
  • Supports request validation with @hapijs/joi.
  • Supports RESTful principle.
  • Extensible: Plug you own hypster cloud provider as you need.
  • async/await oriented / No Callback Hell.




From restfulapi.net: A document resource is a singular concept that is akin to an object instance or database record. In REST, you can view it as a single resource inside resource collection. A document’s state representation typically includes both fields with values and links to other related resources.

const api = require('@cloudifyjs/restful').api

// GET /cars/{id}
module.exports.get = api.document({
  target: async (request) => ({
    id: 1,
    name: 'Model S',
    vendor: 'Tesla'


HTTP 200
Content-Type: application/json

  "id": 1,
  "name": "Model S",
  "vendor": "Tesla"

Wow! The above example demostrates how to response a document by wrappping a business function that returns a simple JSON.


From restfulapi.net: A collection resource is a server-managed directory of resources. Clients may propose new resources to be added to a collection. However, it is up to the collection to choose to create a new resource or not. A collection resource chooses what it wants to contain and also decides the URIs of each contained resource.

const api = require('@cloudifyjs/restful').api

// GET /cars
module.exports.list = api.collection({
  target: async (request) => ([
      id: 1,
      name: 'Model S',
      vendor: 'Tesla'
      id: 2,
      name: 'Model 3',
      vendor: 'Tesla'


HTTP 200
Content-Type: application/json

    "id": 1,
    "name": "Model S",
    "vendor": "Tesla"
    "id": 2,
    "name": "Model 3",
    "vendor": "Tesla"

The @cloudifyjs/restful provides the methods api.document and api.collection to exposes your RESTful endpoints. These methods handle requests received from the cloud provider (like aws, google, etc.) and deliver to the target function a normalized request object.

Using Joi validation

const Joi = require('@hapi/joi')
const api = require('@cloudifyjs/restful').api

module.exports.get = api.document({
  validators: {
    pathParameters: Joi.object({
      id: Joi.string().required()
  target: async (request) => {
    return {
      text: 'My task',
      checked: true


  • consumes <String[]> (Optional): list of allowed values in Content-Type header, current only supports JSON formats (e.g. application/x-javascript, text/x-json). Default: application/json
  • vendor <String> (Optional): When specified, will not try automatically detect the cloud environment, currently the build-in vendors are aws and google.
  • decorator <Function> (Optional): used to provide custom response modification before serialize the target function response.
  • links <Object> (Optional): When provided will add links (HATEOAS) for each document returned.
  • target <Function> (Required): Indicates the function that will handle the incoming normalized requests.
  • validators <Joi.ObjectSchema> (Optional): Optional validation to be applied before the incoming request reach the target function, when invalid a HTTP 400 is returned.
    • body <Joi.ObjectSchema> (Optional); Joi Schema to validate the request body.
    • headers <Joi.ObjectSchema> (Optional): Joi Schema to validate the request headers.
    • pathParameters <Joi.ObjectSchema> (Optional): Joi Schema to validate the request pathParameters.
    • queryParameters <Joi.ObjectSchema> (Optional): Joi Schema to validate the request queryParameters.


By default, all logging messages are surpressed. You can optionally activate them as follows:

const { api, logger } = require('@cloudifyjs/restful')

logger.debug = console.debug
logger.error = console.error
logger.info = console.info
logger.log = console.log
logger.warn = console.warn

Custom cloud provider implementation


'use strict';

const { api, vendors, logger } = require('@cloudifyjs/restful')

// declare a new supported vendor 'azure'
vendors.azure = (...args) => {
  const context = args[0];
  const req = args[1];

  return {
    request: {
      body: req.rawBody,
      headers: req.headers,
      httpMethod: req.method,
      path: req.originalUrl,
      pathParameters: req.params,
      queryParameters: req.query
    resolve: result => {
      context.res = {
        body: result.body,
        headers: result.headers,
        status: result.statusCode
    reject: error => {

module.exports.hello = api.document({
  vendor: 'azure', // inform to API that HTTP request will be normilized by 'azure' function
  target: async () => {
    return { message: `Hello World!` }

If you are implementing any vendor not supported yet by @cloudifyjs/restful, feel free to create a pull request and suggest it built-in vendors.

Supported Node Versions

@cloudifyjs/restful aims to support the Node.js LTS.

Node Release Supported
13.x Yes
12.x Yes
11.x Yes
10.x Yes
8.x Yes


Please see the files in the docs directory:


This source code is licensed under the MIT license found in the LICENSE.txt file.