
PaymentMethod Form for Dash and Teams Dash

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudflareComponentPaymentMethodFormV2 from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cloudflare/component-payment-method-form-v2';



PaymentMethod Form for Dash and Teams Dash

This component is created specifically to be used on Dash and Teams dashboard. There are some setup requirements needed in order to properly consumer @cloudflare/payment-method-form-v2.

  1. import fieldsReducer and set it to fields key (required by @cloudflare/redux-fields)
  2. import hCaptchaReducer and set it to the billing.captcha key
  3. import creditCardProcessorReducer and set it to billing.creditCardProcessor key
  4. Bootstrap Stripe Elements provider during app init. Documentation can be found https://stripe.com/docs/stripe-js/react#elements-provider.
  5. We want to defer loading of stripe-js script until loadStripe is called. Explaination can be found https://github.com/stripe/stripe-js#importing-loadstripe-without-side-effects
  6. import sparrow and initial. Documentaiotn can be found https://www.npmjs.com/package/@cloudflare/util-sparrow
import { loadStripe } from '@stripe/stripe-js/pure';
import { Elements } from '@stripe/react-stripe-js';

const stripePromise = loadStripe('pk_12345678');

  <Elements stripe={stripePromise}>

import {
  fieldsReducer as billingFieldsReducer,
  hCaptchaReducer as billingHCaptchaReducer,
} from '@cloudflare/component-payment-method-form-v2'

const appReducers = combineReducers({
  fields: billingFieldsReducer,
  billing: combineReducers({
    captcha: billingHCaptchaReducer,
    creditCardProcessor: credititCardProcessorReducer
import sparrow from '@cloudflare/util-sparrow'

  clientId: 'client-id-string',
  debug: production ? true : false,
  enabled: production ? true : false
  url: production ? 'https://sparrow.cloudflare.com' : ''


$ yarn add @cloudflare/component-payment-method-form-v2


import React from 'react';
import PaymentMethodForm from './src/index';

class ComponentWithPaymentMethodForm extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
          updateBillingProfile={() => {}}
          createBillingProfile={() => {}}

export default ComponentWithRecaptcha;