
Javascript mocking library for websockets and socket.io

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cloudbeesMockSocket from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cloudbees/mock-socket';


Javascript mocking library for websockets and socket.io

Build Status Code Coverage NPM Version



npm install mock-socket
import { WebSocket, Server } from 'mock-socket';


import test from 'ava';
import { Server } from 'mock-socket';

class ChatApp {
  constructor(url) {
    this.messages = [];
    this.connection = new WebSocket(url);
    this.connection.onmessage = (event) => {
  sendMessage(message) {

test.cb('that chat app can be mocked', t => {
  const fakeURL = 'ws://localhost:8080';
  const mockServer = new Server(fakeURL);
  mockServer.on('connection', socket => {
    socket.on('message', data => {
      t.is(data, 'test message from app', 'we have intercepted the message and can assert on it');
      socket.send('test message from mock server');
  const app = new ChatApp(fakeURL);
  app.sendMessage('test message from app'); // NOTE: this line creates a micro task
  // NOTE: this timeout is for creating another micro task that will happen after the above one
  setTimeout(() => {  
    t.is(app.messages.length, 1);
    t.is(app.messages[0], 'test message from mock server', 'we have subbed our websocket backend');
  }, 100);

Advanced Usage

Stubbing the "global"

import { WebSocket, Server } from 'mock-socket';

 * By default the global WebSocket object is stubbed out. However, 
 * if you need to stub something else out you can like so:
window.WebSocket = WebSocket; // Here we stub out the window object

Server Methods

const mockServer = new Server('ws://localhost:8080');
mockServer.on('connection', socket => {
  socket.on('message', () => {});
  socket.on('close', () => {});

mockServer.clients() // array of all connected clients
mockServer.emit('room', 'message');

Typescript Support

A declaration file is included by default. If you notice any issues with the types please create an issue or a PR!

Socket IO

Socket.IO has limited support. Below is a similar example to the one above but modified to show off socket.io support.

import test from 'ava';
import { SocketIO, Server } from 'mock-socket';

class ChatApp {
  constructor(url) {
    this.messages = [];
    this.connection = new io(url);
    this.connection.on('chat-message', data => {
  sendMessage(message) {
    this.connection.emit('chat-message', message);

test.cb('that socket.io works', t => {
  const fakeURL = 'ws://localhost:8080';
  const mockServer = new Server(fakeURL);
  window.io = SocketIO;
  mockServer.on('connection', socket => {
    socket.on('chat-message', data => {
      t.is(data, 'test message from app', 'we have intercepted the message and can assert on it');
      socket.emit('chat-message', 'test message from mock server');
  const app = new ChatApp(fakeURL);
  app.sendMessage('test message from app');
  setTimeout(() => {
    t.is(app.messages.length, 1);
    t.is(app.messages[0], 'test message from mock server', 'we have subbed our websocket backend');
  }, 100);


The easiest way to work on the project is to clone the repo down via:

git clone git@github.com:thoov/mock-socket.git
cd mock-socket
yarn install

Then to create a local build via:

yarn build

Then create a local npm link via:

yarn link

At this point you can create other projects / apps locally and reference this local build via:

yarn link mock-socket

from within your other projects folder. Make sure that after any changes you run yarn build!


This project uses ava.js as its test framework. Tests are located in /tests. To run tests:

yarn test


This project uses eslint and a rules set from airbnb's javascript style guides. To run linting:

yarn lint


This project uses prettier. To run the formatting:

yarn format

Code Coverage

Code coverage reports are created in /coverage after all of the tests have successfully passed. To run the coverage:

yarn test:coverage


If you have any feedback, encounter any bugs, or just have a question, please feel free to create a github issue or send me a tweet at @thoov.