
Claromentis Design System Component Library

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import claromentisDesignSystem from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@claromentis/design-system';


Claromentis Component Library

Built With Stencil

A library of web components for the Claromentis Design System.


Getting started

Install dependencies

Install Node v12.10.x or greater.

npm install

Run the development server

npm start

Run the development server with ES5 compatibility

This is useful for testing compatibility with browsers that don't yet fully support the HTML5 specs for Web Components (Edge, Firefox, IE11).

npm start --es5

Build the component library and documentation

npm run build

Run tests

npm test

Building components

Visit the Stencil documentation to learn how to build Web Components using Stencil.


Please refer to the Contributing Guide when making changes to the library.

Publishing to NPM

The component library is published to and downloaded from NPM.

To release a new version and publish it to NPM, please follow these steps:

  • Update the version number in package.json e.g. "version": "0.0.21"
  • Make sure the Changelog is up to date
  • Commit with the above changes e.g. git commit -m "Released 0.0.21
  • Tag the release e.g. git tag 0.0.21
  • Push your changes with git push and push the tag git push --tag
  • Publish to NPM npm publish --access public

To update the version of the component library in any projects that depend on it:

  • Run npm update @claromentis/design-system