
Extracts string messages from translation from modules that use React Intl.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import christianjacobsenBabelPluginReactIntlExtractor from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@christianjacobsen/babel-plugin-react-intl-extractor';



Merge descriptors of messages from babel-plugin-react-intl into single file.

Also creates lang files, prepared for usage as messages in IntlProvider.


Babel Plugin React Intl

This Babel plugin works with Babel Plugin React Intl v3.x


This plugin works with Babel 7


$ npm install --save-dev babel-plugin-react-intl-extractor


$ yarn add --dev babel-plugin-react-intl-extractor


This Babel plugin only visits ES6 modules which import React Intl.

The default message descriptors for the app's default language will be extracted from: defineMessages(), <FormattedMessage>, and <FormattedHTMLMessage>; all of which are named exports of the React Intl package.

If a message descriptor has a description, it'll be removed from the source after it's extracted to save bytes since it isn't used at runtime.

Via customize-cra or react-app-rewired (Recommended)


const {addBabelPlugin, override} = require('customize-cra')

module.exports = override(
  addBabelPlugin(['react-intl', {enforceDescriptions: false}]),
  addBabelPlugin(['react-intl-extractor', {extractedFile: './src/translations/aggregated.json'}]),

Via .babelrc


  "plugins": [
      "react-intl", {
        "messagesDir": ""
        "cleanUpUnusedMessages": false,
        "extractedFile": "./src/translations/aggregated.json",
        "langFiles": [{
          "path": "./src/translations/ru.json",
          "cleanUpNewMessages": false
        }, {
          "path": "./src/translations/en.json",
          "cleanUpNewMessages": true


You can provide any parameter to react-intl plugin, except moduleSourceName, because this plugin expects only "react-intl" value for param moduleSourceName


  • cleanUpUnusedMessages: When active, unused message descriptors will be removed from extracted and lang files. Note: extracted file should be removed before enabling this option

  • extractedFile: The target location where the plugin will output a descriptors for each component from which React Intl messages were extracted. Default: "./src/translations/aggregated.json"

  • langFiles: The target location where the plugin will output a messages (Object.<id, string>) for each component from which React Intl messages were extracted. Default: [{ path: "./src/translations/en.json", cleanUpNewMessages: true }, { path: "./src/translations/ru.json", cleanUpNewMessages: false }]

If you use babel-plugin-react-intl-auto

You must use plugins in that order:

  1. babel-plugin-react-intl-auto
  2. babel-plugin-react-intl
  3. babel-plugin-react-intl-extractor