
A primer for JavaScript libraries and frameworks development.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import chialabProteins from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chialab/proteins';


Proteins logo

Proteins • A primer for JavaScript libraries and frameworks development.



Add as a dependency of a Node project:

$ npm install @chialab/proteins
$ yarn add @chialab/proteins

Use via cdn:

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://unpkg.com/@chialab/proteins"></script>


Build status codecov

Sauce Test Status

Build the project

Install the dependencies and run the build script:

$ npm run install
$ npm run build

This will generate the UMD and ESM bundles in the dist folder, as well as the declaration file.

Test the project

Run the test script:

$ npm run test


The release script uses Semantic Release to update package version, create a Github release and publish to the NPM registry.

An environment variable named GH_TOKEN with a generated Github Access Token needs to be defined in a local .env file.

$ echo 'export GH_TOKEN="abcxyz"' > .env

Now you are ready to run the release command:

$ npm run release


Proteins is released under the MIT license.