
Used for product messaging

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cheeNAlertBanner from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@chee/n-alert-banner';


n-alert-banner Circle CI

n-alert-banner is a component used for product messaging.


n-alert-banner includes Sass and JavaScript to show and hide the alert banner. They can be created declaratively by adding Markup to the page, or imperatively using JavaScript (Build).


n-alert-banner elements appears fixed to the top of the screen. You can dismiss a banner, which will hide it but not remove it from the DOM. By default the last banner to be created will be the one that automatically opens. Opening a new banner will close any that are currently open.


This HTML demonstrates the declarative way to instantiate n-alert-banner. Initialize the alert banner by using AlertBanner.init() and add the following to your code:

<div class="n-alert-banner n-alert-banner--{theme}" data-n-component="n-alert-banner">
    <div class="n-alert-banner__outer">
        <div class="n-alert-banner__inner" data-n-alert-banner-inner="">

            <!-- Content to display on larger screens -->
            <div class="n-alert-banner__content n-alert-banner__content--long">
                <p><b>Something went wrong!</b> Please check and try again.</p>

            <!-- Content to display on smaller screens -->
            <div class="n-alert-banner__content n-alert-banner__content--short">
                <p>Please check and try again.</p>

            <!-- Button and link -->
            <div class="n-alert-banner__actions">
                <div class="n-alert-banner__action">
                    <a href="#" class="n-alert-banner__button">Button</a>
                <div class="n-alert-banner__action--secondary">
                    <a href="#" class="n-alert-banner__link">Text link</a>


Additional optional data components

  • data-n-alert-banner-append-to-element="#site-navigation": allows for stipulation of where the alertBanner is to be inserted on the page. Must include valid querySelector. Default is document body.
  • data-n-alert-banner-close-button="false": prevents close button from being built.


Constructing an n-alert-banner

If you have set up your alert banner declaratively:

const nAlertBanner = require('n-alert-banner');
const alertBannerElement = document.getElementById('my-alert-banner-element');
const myAlertBanner = new nAlertBanner(alertBannerElement);

The second argument passed to nAlertBanner is an options object, this can be used to change the behaviour and display of a banner.

If you wish to create an alert banner from scratch with no existing DOM elements, you can set up your banner like this:

const AlertBanner = require('n-alert-banner');
const myAlertBanner = new AlertBanner(null, {
    theme: 'error',
    contentLong: 'Something went wrong! Please check and try again.',
    contentShort: 'Please check and try again.',
    buttonLabel: 'Button',
    buttonUrl: '#try-button',
    linkLabel: 'Text link',
    linkUrl: '#feedback-link'

The available options are documented below.

Manipulating an n-alert-banner

Once you have an n-alert-banner instance, you can manipulate it using the following methods (assume an instance named myAlertBanner exists):

  • myAlertBanner.open(): display a closed alert banner
  • myAlertBanner.close(): hide an open alert banner


There are several options used to change the appearance or behaviour of n-alert-banner. All of these are optional, but it's recommended to set at least contentLong, buttonLabel, and buttonUrl or linkLabel and linkUrl. Set the following as properties on the second argument to new AlertBanner:

  • autoOpen: Boolean. Whether to automatically open the alert banner. Defaults to true
  • bannerClass: String. The top-level banner class, which other classes will be based on. Defaults to n-alert-banner
  • contentLong: String. The content to display on larger screens, or all screens if contentShort is not specified. Defaults to &hellip;
  • contentShort: String. The content to display on smaller screens. Defaults to the value of contentLong
  • buttonLabel: String. The banner button label. Set to null to hide the button. Defaults to null.
  • buttonUrl: String. The URL the button links to. Defaults to #
  • linkLabel: String. The banner link label. Set to null to hide the link. Defaults to null
  • linkUrl: String. The URL the link links to. Defaults to #
  • closeButtonLabel: String. The hidden accessible label for the close button. Defaults to Close
  • theme: String. Themes to apply to the alert banner. See the themes documentation for available values. Defaults to null
  • closeButton: Boolean. False prevents close button from being created. Defaults to true
  • appendToElement: String. Allows for stipulation of where the alertBanner is to be inserted on the page. Default is on the document body. Must include valid querySelector. If parent element is not found it will default to the top of the body.


Similar to Origami components, n-alert-banner has a silent mode. To use its compiled CSS (rather than using its mixins with your own Sass) set $n-alert-banner-is-silent: false; in your Sass before you've imported the n-alert-banner Sass.

n-alert-banner includes mixins that you can use if you'd rather not have next classnames in your page.

@include nAlertBanner($class: 'n-alert-banner', $themes: 'all');

The $themes parameter can be either all or a specific theme:

@include nAlertBanner($themes: 'error');


n-alert-banner has the following built-in themes:

  • error: Displays an error alert (failure) banner (crimson colour scheme),

    Error alert banner example

  • neutral: Displays an neutral alert banner (white and black colour scheme),

    Neutral alert banner example

  • success: Displays an success alert banner (jade colour scheme)

    Success alert banner example

  • marketing: Displays a marketing alert banner (teal colour scheme)

    Marketing alert banner example

In the markup, these can be applied as classes alongside the n-alert-banner class. They are exposed as modifiers:

<div class="n-alert-banner n-alert-banner--error" data-n-component="n-alert-banner">


In the JavaScript, use the theme option and pass in the theme name:

const myBanner = new AlertBanner({
    theme: 'success'


If you have any questions or comments about this component, or need help using it, please either raise an issue, slack #ft-next-conversion, or email ft-next-conversion.


This software is published by the Financial Times under the MIT licence.