
Support for class fields in acorn

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import cfwareAcornClassFields from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@cfware/acorn-class-fields';


Class fields support for Acorn

NPM version

This is a plugin for Acorn - a tiny, fast JavaScript parser, written completely in JavaScript.

It implements support for class fields as defined in the stage 3 proposal Class field declarations for JavaScript. The emitted AST follows an ESTree proposal.


Installing this module requires taking advantage of npm's aliases feature:

npm install -D acorn-class-fields@npm:@cfware/acorn-class-fields

This will allow other acorn plugins which depend on acorn-class-fields@^0.3.1 to use this module instead.


This module provides a plugin that can be used to extend the Acorn Parser class:

const {Parser} = require('acorn');
const classFields = require('acorn-class-fields');
Parser.extend(classFields).parse('class X { x = 0 }');


This plugin is released under an MIT License.