
Package to mustache express that enables to build Layouts (extends) views

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import bladeSenseiMustacheLayout from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@blade-sensei/mustache-layout';



Package for mustache-express that enables to build Layouts (extends) views.


If you use mustache-express you can include/import views (partials), but you can't extend your view, by extend i mean 'inherit'.

You have a solution to this problem: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7925931/can-mustache-templates-do-template-extension, but mustache-layout package suggest an alternative solution.

Use case

If you don't want to copy/paste the header/footer, or maybe an menu bar that is repeated in all admin sub sections, each time you render a page/view, you just need to use the function: build


npm i @blade-sensei/mustache-layout

How to use it with example

In your server.js file of express app, add the app instance to our package.

Mustache-express package implementation is also explained.

const mustacheExpress = require('mustache-express');
const mustacheLayout = require('@blade-sensei/mustache-layout');

const app = express();

// set template engine mustache-express
app.engine('html', mustacheExpress());
app.set('view engine', 'html');
app.set('views', __dirname + '/views');



Put all the layer in the buildLayout function as parameters,


  • you need to respect order, from the smallest layout to the bigger (base.html)
  • data properties should be named as in the view
const layout = require('@blade-sensei/mustache-layout');

router.get('/edit', async (_, res) => {
    const user = 'admin'
    const html = await layout.build(
        { name: 'admin/edition/editor.view.html', data: { user } },
        { name: 'admin/admin.view.html' },
        { name:'layout/base.view.html' }
    return res.send(html);


warning You need to use the keyword child in layout view pages. don't forget triple braces {{{ }}}

Use your passed data here

<!-- ditor.view.html -->
<div> {{ user }} </div>
<!-- admin.view.html -->
<h3> Admin section layout </h3> 
<div class="admin-content">
    {{{ child }}}
<!-- base.view.html -->
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    {{ > layout/header.view }}
    <div class="main">
        <div class="layout-content">
            {{{ child }}}
    {{ > layout/footer.view }}
