
Please contact agnoStack via info@agnostack.com for any questions

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import agnostackMagento2Request from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@agnostack/magento2-request';



🎮 Minimal Magento2 API request library for Node


yarn add @agnostack/magento2-request # npm install @agnostack/magento2-request

Quickstart (OAuth)

const { createClient } = require('@agnostack/magento2-request');
// import { createClient } from '@agnostack/magento2-request'

const magento2 = new createClient({
  store_code: 'default', // Magento2 Store Code (optional)
  store_url: '...', // Magento2 Store Url.
  username: '...', // Magento2 Admin username (for token).
  password: '...' // Magento2 Admin password (for token).

// const magento2 = new createClient({
//   store_url: '...', // Magento2 Store Url.
//   access_token: '...' // Magento2 Admin token.
// });


  .post('carts/12345/estimate-shipping-methods', {
    address: {
      country_id: 'US'

  .put('/carts/12345', {
    customerId: 3,
    storeId: 1

// GraphQL
    query: `
          filter: { sku: { like: "sku-123" } }
        ) {
          items {

Kitchen sink

const NodeStorageAdapter = require('@moltin/node-storage-adapter')
const magento2 = new createClient({
  store_url: '...',
  username: '...',
  password: '...',
  access_token: '...',
  store_code: '...',
  storage: new NodeStorageAdapter('./tmp/localStorage')
  version: 'V1',
  headers: {
    // ...

Custom headers per request

The API provides you the ability to send various request headers that change the way data is stored or retrieved.

By default this library will encode all data as JSON, however you can customise this by setting your own Content-Type header as an additional argument to get, post, put and delete.

Note: If you add the Content-Type custom header to post, put or delete you will need to encode data yourself.

const magento2 = new createClient({
  store_url: '...',
  username: '...',
  password: '...'

const headers = {
  'X-My-Header': 'custom'

  .get('products/types', headers)

Contact Adam Grohs @ agnoStack for any questions.