
Mapbox GL JS Layers Control

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import adrisolidMapboxGlLayersControl from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@adrisolid/mapbox-gl-layers-control';



Mapbox GL JS Layers Control

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  • Create a layers control by wrapping Mapbox GL JS layers id's.
  • Layers could be grouped. If all layers of a group are visible 'select all' checkbox will be checked, otherwise, will be unchecked.
  • Visibility is firstly controled under visibility layout property, if this property does not exists, Mapbox GL JS assumes that is visible.

Getting Started

yarn add @adrisolid/mapbox-gl-layers-control

Usage with Vanilla JS:

import { Map } from "mapbox-gl";
import { MapboxLayersControl } from "@adrisolid/mapbox-gl-layers-control";
import "@adrisolid/mapbox-gl-layers-control/styles.css";

const LAYERS_INFO = [
    id: "buildings-1",
    color: "red",
    xtrsnH: ["/", ["get", "height"], 2],
    xtrsB: ["get", "min_height"],
    id: "buildings-2",
    color: "orange",
    xtrsnH: ["get", "height"],
    xtrsB: ["/", ["get", "height"], 2],
    id: "buildings-3",
    color: "lightblue",
    xtrsnH: ["*", ["get", "height"], 1.5],
    xtrsB: ["get", "height"],

const map = new Map({
  style: "mapbox://styles/mapbox/dark-v10",
  center: [-74.0066, 40.7135],
  zoom: 15.5,
  pitch: 45,
  bearing: -17.6,
  container: "map",
  antialias: true,

function layerGenerator(layers) {
  layers.forEach((layer) => {
      id: layer.id,
      source: "composite",
      "source-layer": "building",
      filter: ["==", "extrude", "true"],
      type: "fill-extrusion",
      minzoom: 15,
      paint: {
        "fill-extrusion-color": layer.color,
        "fill-extrusion-height": layer.xtrsnH,
        "fill-extrusion-base": layer.xtrsB,
        "fill-extrusion-opacity": 0.6,

map.on("load", function () {

    new MapboxLayersControl({
      title: "Floors",
      layersDefinition: [
          name: "Select all",
          group: true,
          children: [
              id: "buildings-1",
              name: "First floor",
              id: "buildings-2",
              name: "Second floor",
              id: "buildings-3",
              name: "Third floor",

Usage with React

Check this out :)


  • title (Default: ""): string Layers control title

  • layersDefinition (Default: {}): LayersDefinition Layers control definition. Following these types:

    type LayersInfo = Array<{ id: string; name: string }>;
    type LayersDefinition = Array<{ children: LayersInfo; group?: boolean; name?: string }>;