
node wrapper for ngrok

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import achingbrainNgrok from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@achingbrain/ngrok';


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alt ngrok.com

Ngrok exposes your localhost to the web. https://ngrok.com/



It will download the ngrok 2.0 binary for your platform and put it into the bin folder. You can also install ngrok globally and use it directly from bash

$ npm install ngrok -g
$ ngrok http 8080


var ngrok = require('ngrok');

ngrok.connect(function (err, url) {}); // https://757c1652.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:80
ngrok.connect(9090, function (err, url) {}); // https://757c1652.ngrok.io -> http://localhost:9090
ngrok.connect({proto: 'tcp', addr: 22}, function (err, url) {}); // tcp://0.tcp.ngrok.io:48590
ngrok.connect(opts, function(err, url) {});

First connect spawns the ngrok process so each next tunnel is created much faster.


    proto: 'http', // http|tcp|tls
    addr: 8080, // port or network address
    auth: 'user:pwd', // http basic authentication for tunnel
    subdomain: 'alex', // reserved tunnel name https://alex.ngrok.io,
    authtoken: '12345' // your authtoken from ngrok.com
}, function (err, url) {});

Other options: name, inspect, host_header, bind_tls, hostname, crt, key, client_cas, remote_addr - read here


The ngrok and all tunnels will be killed when node process is done. To stop the tunnels use

ngrok.disconnect(url); // stops one
ngrok.disconnect(); // stops all
ngrok.kill(); // kills ngrok process


Many advanced features of the ngrok.com service require that you sign up for an account and use authtoken. The authtoken you specify is not the same as the one you used for ngrok 1.0 - module versions prior to 0.2. Your 2.0 ngrok authtoken is available on your ngrok 2.0 dashboard.

You can pass it as option with each connect or set it once for further tunnels javascript ngrok.authtoken(token, function(err, token) {});

## emitter
Also you can use ngrok as an event emitter, it fires "connect", "disconnect" and "error" events
ngrok.once('connect', function (url) {};


You can use ngrok's configurations files, then just pass name option when making a tunnel

OS X	/Users/example/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml
Linux	/home/example/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml
Windows	C:\Users\example\.ngrok2\ngrok.yml


When tunnel is established you can use the ngrok interface to inspect the webhooks done via ngrok.