
Like Tachyons but without media-queries, colors and normalize.css

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import accuratTachyonsLite from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@accurat/tachyons-lite';


Tachyons Lite

Like Tachyons but without media-queries, colors and normalize.css

Sometimes you don't need tachyons' media queries, you have your own color palette and you want to use modern-normalize instead of normalize.css.

This is the library for you! It is 75% smaller than the original tachyons, weighing only 18KB (minified) against the 79KB of the (minified) original tachyons bundle.


yarn add @accurat/tachyons-lite


If you're using webpack, you can just do

import '@accurat/tachyons-lite'

Otherwise you can use it from the CDN, put this in your html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/@accurat/tachyons-lite/tachyons-lite.min.css">