
Tools for encoding / decoding JavaScript objects to / from base36 strings.

Usage no npm install needed!

<script type="module">
  import abcnewsBase36Props from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/@abcnews/base-36-props';



Tools for encoding / decoding JavaScript objects to / from base36 strings.


As a CLI

Install globally with npm i -g @abcnews/base-36-props to use the b36p executable, or use npx:

npx @abcnews/base-36-props encode '{ x: [true, 1, "1", null] }'
> 3zo7wx3dtlini74hp4rl9mo1n8ns65v1mkcd

npx @abcnews/base-36-props decode 3zo7wx3dtlini74hp4rl9mo1n8ns65v1mkcd
> { x: [true, 1, '1', null] }

As a library (node or browser)

npm i @abcnews/base-36-props
import { encode, decode } from '@abcnews/base-36-props';

encode({ x: [true, 1, '1', null] });
// > 3zo7wx3dtlini74hp4rl9mo1n8ns65v1mkcd

// > { x: [ true, 1, '1', null ] }

A browser usage example is included with this project. To try it:

git clone https://github.com/abcnews/base-36-props
cd base-36-props
npm run example

...then open the console in the browser window that opens, and try out b36p.encode() and b36p.decode().