This package contains support for Apollo GraphQL Subscriptions, using the Azure SignalR Service.
Install via npm or GitHub Packages:
A GraphQL subscriptions library using Azure SignalR Service
<script type="module">
import aaronpowellGraphqlSignalrSubscriptions from '';
This package contains support for Apollo GraphQL Subscriptions, using the Azure SignalR Service.
Install via npm or GitHub Packages:
gt; npm install --save @aaronpowell/graphql-signalr-subscriptions
You'll need a SignalR Service account (if you don't have an Azure account sign up for free). Copy the connection string and provide it when you create an instance of SignalRPubSub
import { SignalRPubSub } from "@aaronpowell/graphql-signalr-subscriptions";
const signalrPubSub = new SignalRPubSub("<connection string>");
When your server is ready, you can start the pubsub client:
.then(() => console.log("SignalR PubSub is up and running"))
.catch((error) => console.error(error));
From within a resolver, you use it the same as any other pubsub implementation:
export const resolvers = {
Query: {
hello() {
signalrPubSub.publish("TESTING", { getMessage: "Hello I'm a message" });
return "Some message";
Subscription: {
getMessage: {
subscribe: () => signalrPubSub.asyncIterator(["TESTING"]),